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React 受控组件与非受控组件

受控组件 非受控组件#

  • 受控组件:指DOM 元素的值受react的状态控制
  • 非受控组件:指DOM 元素的值不受react的状态控制


改变受控组件input的值 有两种方式,

  1. 使用 defaultValue
<input defaultValue={this.state.text} />
  1. 使用 onChange事件
 <input value={this.state.text} onChange={this.handler} />


  1. 使用 defaultValue
<input defaultValue={this.state.text} />
  1. 使用 readOnly 只读 (只解决报错,不实现功能)
<input value={this.state.text} readOnly />
  1. 使用 onChange事件
<input value={this.state.text} onChange={this.handler} />
import React from 'react';import { render } from 'react-dom';/* Failed prop type: You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.  */class TextInput extends React.Component {    constructor(prpos) {        super(prpos);        this.state = {            text: "1"        }    }    handler = (event) => {        this.setState({ text: })    }    render() {        return <>            <input value={this.state.text} onChange={this.handler} />        </>    }}render(<TextInput></TextInput>, window.root);


ref老版方式 ref 老版方式一:

// refs已弃用import React from 'react';import { render } from 'react-dom';//非受控组件 ref 老版方式一:class Sum extends React.Component {    constructor(prpos) {        super(prpos);        this.state = {            text: "1"        }    }    add = () => {        let a = this.refs.a.value        let b = this.refs.b.value        let sum = parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b)        this.refs.c.value = sum        console.log(this.refs.a);    }    render() {        return <>            <input ref="a" />+ <input ref="b" />            <button onClick={this.add}>等于</button>            <input ref="c" />        </>    }}
render(<Sum></Sum>, window.root);

ref 老版方式二:

import React from 'react';import { render } from 'react-dom';//非受控组件 ref 老版方式二class Sum extends React.Component {    constructor(prpos) {        super(prpos);        this.state = {            text: "1"        }    }    add = () => {        let a = this.a.value        let b = this.b.value        let sum = parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b)        this.c.value = sum    }    render() {        return <>            <input ref={a => this.a = a} /><input ref={b => this.b = b} />            <button onClick={this.add}>等于</button>            <input ref={c => this.c = c} />        </>    }}
render(<Sum></Sum>, window.root);
  • 非受控组件 createRef (新版方式)

ref 可以是DOM元素的引用也可以是组件的引用.

  1. 引入
import React, { createRef } from 'react'
  1. 初始化
constructor() {    super()    //初始化 ref createRef()    this.refA = createRef()    // 组件里面使用 refA '定义的ref'}
  1. 使用

reactDOM 元素中写: ref={this.refA}

<input ref={this.refA} />+<input ref={this.refB} />

取值和赋值 属性会放在current上面

  • 案例
import React, { createRef } from 'react';import { render } from 'react-dom';//非受控组件 createRefclass Sum extends React.Component {    constructor() {        super()        //初始化ref createRef        this.refA = createRef()        this.refB = createRef()        this.refC = createRef()    }    add = () => {        console.log(this.refA);        let A = this.refA.current.value        let B = this.refB.current.value        this.refC.current.value = parseFloat(A) + parseFloat(B)    }    render() {        return <>            <input ref={this.refA} />+<input ref={this.refB} />            <button onClick={this.add}>=</button>            <input ref={this.refC} />        </>    }}render(<Sum a="4"></Sum>, window.root);
  • 类组件 和 props 配合使用

:::details 案例 子组件修改父组件数据

import React, { createRef } from 'react';import { render } from 'react-dom';
class Parent extends React.Component {    constructor() {        super()        this.inputRef1 = createRef()        this.inputRef2 = createRef()        // 父组件有张银行卡,两个儿子都可以存钱改变余额        this.state = { money: 10000 }    }    getFocus1 = () => {        this.inputRef1.current.inRef1.current.focus();    }    getFocus2 = () => {        this.inputRef2.current.inRef2.current.focus();    }    // 父亲提供 一个改变自己余额的方法    changeMoney = (x) => {        this.setState({ money: + x })    }    render() {        return <div>            父组件余额{}            <TextInput changeMoney={this.changeMoney} ref={this.inputRef1} />            <button onClick={this.getFocus1}>焦点一</button>            <TextInput2 changeMoney={this.changeMoney} ref={this.inputRef2} />            <button onClick={this.getFocus2}>焦点二</button>        </div>    }}class TextInput extends React.Component {    constructor() {        super()        this.inRef1 = createRef()    }    addMoney = () => {        // 通过this.props,拿到父组件传过来的方法        let SonMoney = parseFloat(this.inRef1.current.value)        this.props.changeMoney(SonMoney)    }    render() {        return <>            我是input            <input ref={this.inRef1} />            <button onClick={this.addMoney}>大儿子存钱</button>        </>    }}class TextInput2 extends React.Component {    constructor() {        super()        this.inRef2 = createRef()    }    addMoney2 = () => {        // 通过this.props,拿到父组件传过来的方法        let SonMoney = parseFloat(this.inRef2.current.value)        this.props.changeMoney(SonMoney)    }    render() {        return <>            我是第二个input            <input ref={this.inRef2} />            <button onClick={this.addMoney2}>小儿子存钱</button>        </>    }}render(<Parent />, window.root);


  • useRef (函数组件) useref性能更好,因为useref是复用的老的对象。createRef 每次都会创建一个新的的对象。
function Parent() {    function getFoucs() {        childRef.current.focus()    }    let childRef = useRef()    return <>        <ForwardChild ref={childRef} />        <button onClick={getFoucs}>点击获取焦点</button>    </>}
  • 函数组件作为子组件,需要使用ref的时候需要外面包裹forwardRef(Child)


import React, { forwardRef, useRef } from 'react';import { render } from 'react-dom';function Parent() {    function getFoucs() {        childRef.current.focus()    }    let childRef = useRef()    return <>        <ForwardChild ref={childRef} />        <button onClick={getFoucs}>点击获取焦点</button>    </>}// forwardChild 的ref 会通过forwardRef传递给childfunction Child(props, Pref) {    // let refA = React.createRef();    return <>        <input ref={Pref} />    </>;}let ForwardChild = forwardRef(Child)render(<Parent />, window.root);


import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';import { render } from 'react-dom';export default class Parent extends React.Component {    constructor() {        super();        this.childref = React.createRef()    }    getFocus = () => {        this.childref.current.focus();        console.log(this.childref);    }    render() {        return (<div>            <ForwardChild ref={this.childref} />            <button onClick={this.getFocus}>点击获取焦点</button>        </div>)    }}// forwardChild 的ref 会通过forwardRef传递给childfunction Child(props, Pref) {    // let refA = React.createRef();    return <>        <input ref={Pref} />    </>;}let ForwardChild = forwardRef(Child)render(<Parent />, window.root);


  • ref :reference adj: 引用
  • createRef类组件用 useRef函数组件用??